Beata Lipska


Why Should You Try A Vegan Diet


Why should you try a Vegan diet ? Because it will do so good to your body. Our health is a priority. For me it was a lifelong change.


I ate traditional Polish food for about 22 years of my life. For breakfast an egg or a sandwich with butter and ham, for lunch meat with potatoes, for dinner bread with sausage. It was the norm. Everyone ate this kind of food and there wasn’t much information about a different diet. I remember my mother, a nurse, said there was a woman in the area who was following a Vegetarian Diet. I was shocked and thought – Poor Woman. She must be very sick because of such restrictions. She can’t eat meat … what is she eating?

And so, for the first 22 years of my life, I ate traditionally, Polish without questioning it . I wasn’t sick. I had problems with psoriasis, acne, and later there was a problem with the thyroid gland, but everyone have a problem, so I considered it a fate of luck. It is good having only psoriasis and not cancer or diabetes…

2nd pregnancy 2020

After moving to Israel, I opened myself to a different diet, culture and met more and more people following a vegan diet. And here I was very surprised again. Don’t you eat meat, milk, cheese, yogurt, even eggs? So what are you actually eating? I explored the topic. It turned out that there are so many options, recipes, fruits I have never eaten. I was shocked how limited I was.

It was about 10 years ago. I remember that in Poland, contrary to what is now, it was not possible to buy mangoes, avocados, dates, not to mention vegetable sausages, cheeses and milk in almost every store. Just a few years ago, before Easter, we planned with my mother – how to make a vegan sausage, and now we just have it available in the store. It is really amazing to me how many people have opened up to new flavors and possibilities.

Because the only thing that blocks us is our beliefs, convictions, traditions. It is not always the case that since we have been doing something for a long time it is the only way.

I can see how my immunity and skin have improved, above all the fact that my thyroid is completely regulated. Untreated cold lasts a few days, I do not take painkillers, menstruation is painless in contrast to what it was a few years ago. Also, recovery time after pregnancy was literally a few days. This is amazing.

If interested check also Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

2nd pregnancy

Vegan Diet did not only improved my health.

Currently, I have dozen of people under my wings whom I help transition to a Vegan Diet. I help them to make changes and honestly their successes and improvement of health is not surprising at all. I know how Plant Based diet has affected my health and well-being and I know how it will positively affect other people’s health.

It is sad that most of these people were / are on medication … and it is so normal for all of us to be on any type of medication . Insulin resistance, thyroid problems, PCOS, endometriosis, acne, reduced immunity, overweight. All these problems are a good reason to change your diet. After switching to the Vegan Diet, people gradually discontinue medication, their blood results improve. Each person also focuses on his illness so the diet is personalized at the same time everyone eats what they feel like. There is no calorie restriction, we simply eliminate animal products. The amazing thing is that people continue their vegan diet even when our collaboration ends. This is beautiful and proof that a vegan diet is easy to accomplish at the same time tasty and above all HEALTHY.

If you’re thinking about trying something new, making changes, you want to feel better, without calorie restriction, small portions, eating at fixed times, starving yourself after 6pm please let me know. Trust yourself and take care of yourself. Our health is a priority. For me it was a lifelong change.

Take care of yourself ! There is nothing more important than our health.

Wanna start a Vegan Diet ?


If you are thinking of trying a plant based diet but you don’t know where to start give me a free call. Let’s do it together.

You are welcome to check this video to truly understand how my life has changed after switching to a Vegan Diet.

With my love to a Vegan Diet <3


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