Beata Lipska


bruschetta on a wooden plate with basil leaves on top

Bruschetta with Tomato and Basil

Let’s make a simple Tomato Basil Bruschetta as a classic Italian starter. Ideal for a summer gathering with friends, this easy dish is fresh, tasty and full of flavour. I am sure you will love it aspecially because I modified the recipe to make it healthy and tasty too.

Ingredients :

2 large ripe tomatoes

1 garlic clove cut to small pieces or garlic powder (as much as disired)

few leaves of fresh basic cut to small pieces or a basil powder

Pinch of Oregano spice

Olive oil

Pinch of Salt and Pepper

Buckwheat Bread – Recipe from my E-book 


 Cut the tomatoes to really small pieces – this part of the preparation takes the longest.

Ones it’s done put the tomatoes in a strainer and drain excess juice/water (It is important that the bread does not get too wet ones the tomatoes are on top).

Move the tomatoes in a a small bowl and add all of the ingredients exept olive oil.

Place the tomatoes on the buckwheat bread (you can find the recipe in my E-book linked above).

Sprinkle olive oil on top. Enjoy <3

It’s a great recipe for the tomato season.




If you are thinking of TRANSFORMING your body with a plant-based diet but you don’t know where to start give me a FREE CALL. Let’s do it together.

with all my love,

Betty <3


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