Beata Lipska


Make Your Children Eat More Fruits And Vegetables

Make your children eat more fruits and vegetables.


With these easy steps I hope your children will start loving fruits and vegetables.

We all know Fruits and Vegetables are Healthy ! We offer our kids Apples, Carrots and Green Smoothies hoping They will snack it in between meals or watching TV. What if Fruits and Vegetables would be the main source of their Diet ? I promise you it’s Possible, Healthy and Easy !


My son is a picky Eater. He loves Pasta, Bread and Salty Snacks like every child. It’s hard to offer him new food or if he said NO to something he won’t try it again. But he likes Carrots, Apples, Bananas, Cucumbers even Green Smoothies or Juices too. I would say 60 % of his diet its Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds which is pretty amazing I think.

If you are concerned about where do you get protein from on a Vegan diet you should check this out.

How to make the Children eat more Fresh Raw Fruits and Vegetables ?



If they see you drinking a green smoothie in the morning they’ll eventually try it too. If your first meal of the day will be Oranges, Watermelon or Papaya they will not ask for bread or Cereal because Children are Who We Are  ! NOT Who we want them to be. If you don’t eat fruits yourself your child won’t eat them either.



Engage them in morning Food Preparations. Ask them to put the spinach in the blender, older kids can cut some Papaya or Pill a banana. They love it so much. Reef helps me juicing since he was a year old. He likes turning on the blender or putting carrots to the juicer. He is always more excited to drink the juice he made himself than the one I made alone. I often let Reef feed me as well and make funny faces.



If they love bananas – Make a banana smoothie. Maybe they prefer salty food make Sweet Potato Fries or Some Deep from Potatoes and Carrots with yeast flakes. It will always be easier for them to approve it if it reminds them something by texture or color. It’s nice also to let them choose what they want to eat, plus pick one veggie as an extra to their meal and offer a game if they finish it all.

Just make it fun for them its the KEY.



There are great Natural Coloring Powders available on Amazon  made from Natural Sources ; like Yellow from Turmeric, Pink – Beetroot, Green – Spirulina etc. Make beautiful Rainbows with Extra Nutrition inside and Kids will love it. You can also make little animals faces by cutting Veggies in Small Pieces. Children love Cupcakes and Cakes so be creative and make beautiful Raw Vegan Options Which Children won’t pass by without trying.


When I first tried Sushi I couldn’t understand how can you place one piece in the mouth without cutting it to half. It felt so big and unnatural. After trying just one piece I felt I can’t even swallow. The next time I had a chance to eat the sushi I couldn’t stop.. and after I tasted teriyaki sauce it is my favorite lunch and dinner for years now. I got used to the texture and smell.

It’s all a learning process. Give it a time and definitely don’t give up because children grow and change their preferences so much it’s possible in a week they will love it.


Do you want to know how I managed to overcome Hashimoto disease and Psoriasis follow my Facebook group „Sweet and Heathy” to find more useful info about it : Follow me on YOUTUBE :

With Love,



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